PET Phantom Dilution Worksheet
Enter phantom fill information below. Ratios are calculated accounting for relative times of measurement.
Directions for Activating Phantom and Vials
Protocol Summary for the Two Required Doses (from Chart)
- Dose A will be added to 1000 ml bag (or bottle) to diluted activity for the 4 test vials
- Dose B will be added to the phantom as background activity.
1) Measurement of Doses A and B
Measure and record the activity of Dose A and Dose B (small syringes) with time on the work sheet. Scanning begins 1 hr after the Dose A measurement time.
2) Activation of Test Vials on Phantom Cover
Add Dose A to the 1000 ml bag or bottle and mix well. Then with the first 60 ml syringe withdraw 60 ml — this is test Dose #1 - measure activity in write down the time. Next, using the 60 ml syringe fill the 4 appropriate chambers in the phantom top.
3) Activation of the Phantom
Thoroughly mix Dose B into the main chamber of the PET phantom (a bubble of air will help ensure a well-mixed solution). After mixing, using the second 60 ml syringe, withdraw 60 ml from the phantom — this is test Dose #2. Measure activity in write down the time. Inject Dose #2 back into the phantom. Fill any remaining air-space in the phantom with water and mix again. Dispose of syringes appropriately.
4) Scan phantom
Scan phantom using the standard whole body FDG protocol at one hour after the measurement of Dose A. Ensure phantom is centered in the scanner and parallel to laser lines and level. Entire phantom should be in the FOV (two bed positions will be necessary on some scanners).
5) Reconstruct phantom
Reconstruct the entire phantom with the same protocol used for whole body scans including pre- and post-reconstruction filters. Generate 1 cm thick transaxial slices for analysis. (If unit is only being accredited for brain or cardiac, use the appropriate protocol for reconstruction.) Attenuation correction must be applied.