General Medical / Radiology / Radiation Therapy Terminology
- Medical Root Words
- Diagnostic Radiology terminology
- Radiation Therapy terminology
- anterior - front
- posterior - rear
- superior - above
- inferior - below
- deep - far from surface
- superficial - close to surface
- medial - closer to median plane (middle)
- lateral - farther from median
- proximal - closer to trunk or origin
- distal - farther rom trun or origin
- ipsilateral - same side
- contralateral - opposite side
- cranial - towards head
- caudal - towards tail
- supine - on back
- prone - on belly
- Flexion - decreases angle between bones at joint
- Extension - increases angle between bones at joint
- Abduction - movement away from median
- Adduction - movement towards median
- Supination - move palm face anterior
- Pronation - move palm face posterior
- Eversion - sole of foot out
- Inversion - sole of foot in
- Rotation - move around longitudinal axis
- Circumduction - rotation at distal end in circle
Anatomical planes (imaging views)
- Axial / transverse - divides the body into cranial and caudal portions
- Coronal - divides the body into dorsal and ventral portions
- Sagittal - divides the body into left and right portions
Basic structures
- Integument - outer protective layer, skin
- Protection (UV, microoganisms, chemical, thermal)
- Sensations (pain, temperature, touch, pressure)
- Thermoregulation
- Metabolic (e.g. vitamin D synthesis)
- Fascia - band/sheet of connective tissue
- Stabilizes muscles and organs
- Compartmentalizes - determines spread of infection and cancer
- Bone - connective tissue, mineralized extracellular matrix with bone cells inside
- Structural framework
- Locomotion
- Calcium homeostasis
- Synthesis of blood cells
- Joints - unions between bones, fibrous outer layer lined by serous synovial membrane
- Movement
- Stabilized by ligaments attached to other bones and tendons attached to muscles
- Muscle - striated skeletal, striated cardiac, smooth muscle (walls of vessels and organs, viscera)
- Skeletal is voluntary, others are involuntary
- Locomotion
- Circulatory system - cardiovascular and lymphatic systems to transport fluids through the body
- Cardiovascular - oxygen and nutrients (in blood) to tissues, and CO2 and waste from tissues
- Exchanges in capillary beds
- Lymphatics - returns excess fluid, foreign microorganisms, large plasma and proteins, lipids, lymphocytes
- Node filter cells, particulates, produce antibodies, initiate immune response
- Right side to right lymphatic ducts
- Left side to thoracic duct
- Both sides then to venous system near right side of heart
- Cardiovascular - oxygen and nutrients (in blood) to tissues, and CO2 and waste from tissues
Suffix |
Meaning |
Suffix |
Meaning |
-algia |
pain |
-rrhea |
flow, discharge |
-cele |
hernia |
-sclerosis |
hardening |
-centesis |
surgical puncture to remove fluid |
-scope |
instrument for visual examination |
-coccus |
berry-shaped bacterium |
-stasis |
controlling, stopping |
-cocci |
plural bacteria |
-stomy |
opening to form a mouth (stoma) |
-cyte |
cell |
-therapy |
treatment |
-dynia |
pain |
-tomy |
incision, cutting into |
-ectomy |
excision, removal, resection |
-trophy |
development, nourishment |
-emia |
blood condition |
-er |
one who |
-genesis |
condition of producing, forming |
-ia |
condition |
-gram |
record |
-ist |
specialist |
-graph |
instrument for recording |
-ole |
little, small |
-graphy |
process of recording |
-ule |
little, small |
-itis |
inflammation |
-um, -ium |
structure, tissue |
-logy |
study of |
-us |
structure, substance |
-lysis |
breakdown, destruction, separation |
-y |
condition, process |
-malacia |
softening |
-ac, -iac |
pertaining to |
-megaly |
enlargement |
-al |
pertaining to |
-oma |
tumor, mass, collection of fluid |
-ar |
pertaining to |
-opsy |
to view |
-ary |
pertaining to |
-osis |
condition, usually abnormal |
-eal |
pertaining to |
-pathy |
disease condition |
-genic |
pertaining to, producing, produced by or in |
-penia |
deficiency |
-ic, -ical |
pertaining to |
-phobia |
fear |
-oid |
resembling, derived from |
-plasia |
development, formation, growth |
-ose |
pertaining to, full of |
-plasty |
surgical repair |
-ous |
pertaining to |
-ptosis |
drooping, falling, prolapse |
-tic |
pertaining to |
Prefix |
Meaning |
Prefix |
Meaning |
a-, an- |
no, not, without |
inter- |
between |
ab- |
away from |
intra- |
in, within, into |
ad- |
toward |
macro- |
large |
ana- |
up, apart |
mal- |
bad |
ante- |
before, forward |
meta- |
beyond, change |
anti- |
against |
micro- |
small |
auto- |
self, own |
neo- |
new |
bi- |
two |
pan- |
all |
brady- |
slow |
para- |
abnormal, beside, near |
cata- |
down |
per- |
through |
con- |
with, together |
peri- |
surrounding |
contra- |
against, opposite |
poly- |
many, much |
de- |
down, lack of |
post- |
after, behind |
dia- |
through, complete |
pre- |
before, in front of |
dys- |
bad, painful, difficult, abnormal |
pro- |
before, forward |
ec- |
out, outside |
pros- |
before, forward |
endo- |
in, within |
re- |
back, again |
epi- |
upon, on, above |
retro- |
behind, backward |
eu- |
good, normal |
sub- |
under |
ex- |
out, outside |
supra- |
above, upper |
hemi- |
half |
syn-, sym- |
together, with |
hyper- |
excessive, above |
tachy- |
fast |
hypo- |
deficient, under |
trans- |
across, through |
in- |
not |
ultra- |
beyond, excess |
in- |
into, within |
uni- |
one |
infra- |
beneath, under |
Other terms
Anaplastic - characteristic of cells or tissues that have lost their mature or specialized features, as in malignant tumors (aggressive).
Anastomosis - communication between two vessels (can help maintain circulation if a blockage).
Articulate - (anatomy) joining of bones
Blast - immature cell, usually more radiosensitive than cytes (regular cells)
Costal - ribs
Decubitus - Lying on side (recumbent)
Erythrocytes - red blood cells, created in red bone marrow
Foramen - hole, opening, especially in bone
Fossa - hollow of depressed area, especially in bone
Hilum - depression or fissure where structures such as blood vessels and nerves enter an organ
Hyperplasia - enlargement of an organ or tissue caused by an increase in the reproduction rate of its cells, often as an initial stage in the development of cancer. E.g. Prostate.
Infarction - obstruction of blood to organ or tissue (by thrombus or embolus), local necrosis can result
Ischemia - blockage of blood flow (necrosis develops if tissues are blocked too long)
Melan(o) - Black (latin)
Parenchyma - the functional tissue of an organ as distinguished from the connective and supporting tissue.
Process - (anatomy) projection or outgrowth of tissue from a larger bod
Seroma - pocket of clear serous fluid that sometimes develops in the body after surgery.
Sphygmomanometer - device to measure blood pressure
Teratogenic - agent or factor which causes malformation of fetus
Viscera - internal organs, esp of abdomen.